
The fourth science park is being built by Obuda University, the Hungarian-Uzbek Inno-TechnoPark

Obuda University plays a key role in the creation of Uzbekistan’s first innovation technology park, thus in addition to its three science parks in Hungary, it is an active participant in a foreign investment. The construction of the first Hungarian-Uzbek Inno-TechnoPark, realized in consortium with the Tashkent Chemical-Technological University, has begun. Over the past weeks, there have been several discussions at the site about the investment and possible research and development collaborations in Jizzakh, one of Uzbekistan’s most dynamically developing cities. Concerning the operation of the innovation park, Prof. Dr. András Molnár, Vice-Rector General, consulted with the Uzbek Minister responsible for higher education.

During the meetings, topics such as mastering advanced technologies, developing the chemical industry, and supporting innovative ideas were discussed. The creation of a unique cryptocurrency was also considered, particularly with respect to regulatory frameworks for possible use in financing the first Hungarian-Uzbek Inno-TechnoPark project.

Botond Fehér, Chief Financial Officer of Obuda University, and Antal Németh, Managing Director of the Kaposvár Scientific and Innovation Park Nonprofit Ltd., discussed with Botir Usmanov, Rector of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological University (TICT), and the leadership. During the visit, they went to the site of the Inno-TechnoPark in Jizzakh and met with Ergash Saliev, the Governor of Jizzakh. Following a memorandum signed last October, financing letters of intent were also accepted, and discussions were held about the organizational and legal framework of the cooperation and possible professional cooperations.

As the next step in the program, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and accompanying ministers visited the investment site on April 8. Obuda University was represented by Prof. Dr. András Molnár, Vice-Rector General. Discussions about the creation of the Inno-TechnoPark were held with Kongratbay Sharipov, Uzbek Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, and Sarvarhon Buzrukhonov, Deputy Minister, who assured their support for the project.

During the negotiations, it was determined that the emerging InnoTechnoPark will focus on areas such as IT – cybersecurity and programming, industrial robotics, smart construction, medical technology, precision agriculture, the textile industry, drone technology, as well as technology transfer and innovation management. The implementation will include the establishment of a material testing and processing competence center and certification laboratory, an Industry 4.0 prototyping lab, and discussions are ongoing about knowledge sharing in the IT field and joint blockchain technology development.

The investment has begun: the 2500 square meters of reception and service space is already completed. Forming a consortium with the Tashkent Chemical-Technological University, Obuda University will own 50 percent of the project, providing the research background. A crucial aspect of the innovation and science park is experience-based knowledge transfer.

As reported last October, the establishment of Uzbekistan’s first innovation science park in the Jizzakh region is being realized with the participation of Obuda University. According to the agreement, the university, along with the Uzbek Agency for Innovation Development and the Jizzakh region of Uzbekistan, as well as the Tashkent Chemical-Technological University, will establish the Inno-TechnoPark, in which the two higher education institutions will also participate in developing the focus areas.

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