
Our first two students have arrived in Uzbekistan

Péter and Bernát are the first students from Obuda University to spend a semester studying in the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers National Research University (TIIAME) in Uzbekistan within the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program.

In the fall semester of 2023/24, two students from the Alba Regia Technical Faculty will be studying in TIIAME in Uzbekistan.

Péter and Bernát are the first students from Obuda University to spend a semester at this institution. In the following, you can read their first impressions.

„On 3 September, 2023, a special trip began: as part of the Erasmus+ International mobility program, we traveled to a special and interesting country, Uzbekistan. Fortunately, with the new, direct flight between Budapest and Tashkent, we reached the Uzbek capital in just 5 hours. At the airport, the coordinator of the University of Tashkent was waiting for us, who took us to the dormitory in 20 minutes, where we took our own room at 11 pm after the long journey. The dormitory is a 10-story building. We got a 4-bed room, in which only two of us currently live. On the first day, they took us for a walk around the university, The dormitory and the university buildings are located in the same area. We were personally greeted by the Dean. The highlight of the day was the lunch, in which our future professors also participated, which helped us a lot to start our daily life in Tashkent. The following days were spent exploring the city and the University. We get to know the specialties of the local cuisine, the food is very delicious and tasty. It is interesting to see that on weekdays at the University, both students and teachers wear dark pants and white shirts. Their first impressions are positive, Tashkent is a modern large city with many local specialties.”

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