
Renewed Scholarship Program Supports Obuda University’s Outstanding Talents

The University Research Scholarship Program (EKÖP) combines the advantages of previous similar programs – the New National Excellence Program (ÚNKP) and the Cooperative Doctoral Program (KDP) – within renewed frameworks. The new national excellence scholarship program, announced by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, can provide significant professional recognition, motivation, and prestige for Obuda University’s most outstanding talents at every career stage. Applications can be submitted until July 22.

EKÖP-GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP supports undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students and young lecturers and researchers who successfully conduct research, development, innovation, or creative activities at our university and report on their work results in the required publications. Developing and strengthening master’s programs is a strategic priority for Obuda University, so students in full-time or part-time master’s programs are particularly encouraged to join research groups and submit applications.

The amount of the EKÖP-GENERAL Scholarship is as follows:

  • Undergraduate category: 125,000 HUF/month/person
  • Master’s category: 150,000 HUF/month/person
  • Doctoral category: 200,000 HUF/month/person
  • Young lecturer/researcher category: 250,000 HUF/month/person

In the 2022/2023 academic year, 27 outstanding talents from Obuda University received ÚNKP support, the predecessor of EKÖP, in the fields of technical sciences, architecture, and natural and social sciences. Through the work of the scholarship recipients, 44 scientific publications, 27 international and 70 domestic conference presentations, and 20 science popularization articles were produced. These figures demonstrate that the results achieved with the involvement of these exceptional individuals become accessible and usable for both the research community and civil society.

EKÖP-KDP Scholarship offers a unique opportunity for doctoral students who conduct research and development activities beneficial to the competitive sector within the framework of corporate cooperation. The amount of the EKÖP-KDP scholarship is 400,000 HUF/month/person. Previously, four of Obuda University’s most talented doctoral students in 2020 and seven in 2023 received support from the Cooperative Doctoral Program.

Application calls:

Submission deadline: July 22, 2024.

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