Together with the new recruits – approximately 73 new PhD students – Obuda University has 346 doctoral students. Their number is growing year by year, raising the academic standing of our university. To welcome them, the University Doctoral Ball was held again this autumn in the central campus hall of the university on 13 October. The participants were welcomed by Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi, Vice Rector for Research and Head of the Innovation Management Doctoral School, the newest doctoral school of the OU.
In addition to the President of the National Association of Doctoral Students, Prof. Dr. József Tar, Head of the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Mihály Réger, Head of the Doctoral School on Materials Sciences and Technologies, and Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, Dean of the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, addressed the audience on behalf of the Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences.
At the traditional event, Marianna Kucarov, President of the Doctoral Students’ Association, representing the PhD students, also spoke about the value of community, emphasising the importance of professional work.
Eötvös Loránd University, the Hungarian University of Sport Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the Corvinus University of Budapest were among the universities represented at the event.