
Óbuda University participates the UNICATION Erasmus+ project on international cooperation in Asia and Europe

Exciting News from Óbuda University’s STEM Office! We are proud to announce that Óbuda University participates a new Erasmus+ Capacity Building (CBHE) project called UNICATION: Unify Communication by International Projects in Cambodia and Philippines. This project was approved in Call 2023 and runs from December 2023 to November 2025. The coordinator is Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal.

UNICATION aims to improve the skills and abilities of International Offices (IO) teams in third countries and promote international cooperation between higher education institutions (HEIs) in Asia and Europe, as well as among Asian HEIs themselves.

This KA2 Erasmus+ project is an example of International Relations Técnico Lisboa commitment to internationalization and cooperation with higher education institutions from around the world. Natacha Moniz and Ana Pipio will lead this project from Técnico Lisboa/University of Lisbon and believe that it will make a significant contribution to improving the quality of international partnerships and projects, as well as promoting cultural understanding between different parts of the world.

As we gear up for this truly international project, we’ve delved into the intricate needs of HEIs through literature review, data analysis, and insightful consultations. Our focus now shifts to fine-tuning these needs and integrating survey results into a robust Training Plan. In the initial project phase, we’re facilitating focus group discussions to precisely understand development areas and needs. This approach, tried and tested in previous projects like the Ethiopian Agricultural Parks assessment led by Óbuda in 2022, ensures a targeted and effective training material. Tailored questions, organized interviews, and detailed analysis pave the way for a comprehensive summary report shared with institutions and stakeholders. Stay tuned as we integrate identified needs into practical training and mentoring, leveraging the expertise of Óbuda University throughout this exciting journey!

The Call 2023 project was approved by the European Commission with a total funding of €348,424.00, will run for 24 months (Dec2023-Nov2025) and involve seven partners from three EU countries (Portugal, France, and Hungary) and two Asian countries (Cambodia and the Philippines).
The universities involved are:

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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