
Obuda University — A Popular Choice Even for the Additional Admission Process

Obuda University is once again among the top 10! Nationally, it is the 8th most popular institution, emphasized Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, the rector of the university. He added that in the additional admission process, which lasts until August 7, new programs and existing programs at new training locations have been announced. These include the bachelor’s degree in Energy Engineering, and master’s programs in Structural Engineering and Sustainable Energy Engineering, with Jászberény now also available as a training location.

While the number of admitted students nationwide decreased by 4.8%, Obuda University recorded a 3.42% increase, despite the requirement of advanced level final exams for most undergraduate programs, highlighted Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács. He explained that almost all faculties will see more students starting their studies in the fall semester, with some faculties experiencing a 30% increase in admissions. Undergraduate programs show nearly a 5% increase in numbers, and it is a significant success that the master’s programs have seen exceptionally high enrollment. While the national average in this area is 18%, Obuda University shows record numbers. Applications and admissions to MSc programs increased by 30%, with the newly launched Cybersecurity Engineering and Data Science programs being the most popular.

In line with internationalization efforts, the number of admitted international students has nearly 2.5 times increased this year, with 379 foreign students starting their studies in September in various English-taught bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. Informatics and economic programs are the most popular among international students. The majority were admitted to the Computer Science Engineering BSc, Computer Science Engineering MSc, and Business Development MSc programs. In terms of the number of admitted students, Obuda University ranks as the 8th best Hungarian university and is among the most popular Budapest-based institutions, alongside Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Business School, and Budapest University of Technology and Economics. These figures demonstrate that Obuda University provides high-quality education, making it worthwhile to apply for the programs starting in September through the additional admission process by the midnight deadline on August 7. Applications can be submitted via the e-admission system until 24:00 on August 7, 2024, for both self-financed and, in some cases, state-funded programs.

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